Under CCPA - California Consumer Privacy Act: This empowers California residents to request that a business delete the data/personal information it has on you.An organization has one calendar month to respond to your request. We recommend writing via email, to serve as evidence. You can make your request verbally or in writing. Under GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation (for EU Residents): This gives you the right to ask an organization that holds data about you, to delete that data.There are 2 methods to get your data (and account) deleted by Google Chrome: Fast & Secure. Delete Google Chrome Account through Email If you want to end your relationship with Google Chrome: Fast & Secure completely, follow the guide.ġ.

Learn how to delete your Google Chrome: Fast & Secure account, your personal data and also delete the Google Chrome app if you have it installed on your Iphone, Ipad or Android.

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