How to use segs to play city of heroes
How to use segs to play city of heroes

The only mention of the serious consequences of obsessive gaming was a brief mention of the problem in South Korea, where apparently 75 gamers have died of dehydration and malnutrition after marathon gaming sessions. He hopes to sell condos in his virtual resort for $100-$1000 bucks a pop. In another segment a single dad who is the sole support of his young son mortgaged his house and spent $100,000 on a virtual space station resort in a game called Entropia. I'm just trying to figure out how any couple with full time jobs and kids has time to play seriously like that. In one scene, they were sitting around their church after services discussing the game with 2 or 3 other couples who also apparently play. She made no secret of the fact that she begrudged her husband the extra hours he was able to spend in game while she had to do housework and raise the kids. The wife was lamenting the fact that she has kids to raise and household responsibilities that kept her from levelling her character up to max levels, so she had to hire someone in Romania to power-level her avatar for her, at a cost of $175 for a 10-level jump. They interviewed a couple who play City of Heroes together. They interviewed the lead designer for WoW, who claimed that he has a responsibility to the gamers to continue to make new content for the game so that it never ends. The word addiction came up a few times, but mainly as a positive description of how much fun the games are to play. They devoted some time to America's Army, how it increased recruiting numbers for the army and how they're now using it for training purposes. The wonderful fantasy worlds, the escape from the mundane reality of real life, the social aspect, etc etc. Mostly it was 2 hours devoted to glorifying the games. OK, I finally finished watching both 1-hour segments.

How to use segs to play city of heroes