Arturia piano v
Arturia piano v

As in, this could be the only software instrument you ever need big. Like, 28 different instruments and a gazillion patches big. This does just about everything – including things the original instruments could never dream of. Once I loaded the AnalogLab front-end, the realization came over me quickly. I first approached this review assuming that V Collection 8 was focused largely on analog synthesizer emulation with a few curiosities tossed in for good measure. V Collection 8 is, put another way, a buffet of keyboard instruments ranging far and wide – expertly modeled, infintesimally configurable and stunningly rendered. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is.” For the DAW-based keyboard and synthesizer enthusiast, Arturia’s V Collection, now in it’s 8th edition, represents a collection of instruments that seeks to answer just how endless a concept like “endless” is. In Douglas Adams’ “ Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy“, the titular guidebook explains the endless expanse of outer space as follows: “ Space is big.

Arturia piano v